Hello there, this is Ashish Chauhan from Ash-Vir Creations in this post I gonna show you how you can download my favorite Moody Preset for Camera raw in Photoshop. This Moody tone is very popular this day on Instagram and everywhere photographers do use this tone to make their photo look very dark and moody.
Preset File is Given in the Below Portion ⇩
->FP-Moody Matt Green AVC 2020.XMP
This moody tone gives a very deep effect on the photo and the model looks amazing when the moody effect is given. So this video covers three-part; first is the download of the preset from here and how to install that presets in camera raw of photoshop cc and last how to use it.
Here are some examples of the photos on which this preset is used, you can see the before and after effect of the photos with moody presets. They look very amazing and giving the photo very perfect moody look in photoshop.

How to Install Presets in Camera Raw Filter in Photoshop?
- Go to My Computer (for Windows User)
- Click on C:/ Drive
- Click on User
- Go to your User Name Folder (Eg. Your computer name)
- Show your Hidden Files & Folder Option. Check it
- Go to AppData folder
- Click on Roaming/Adobe/Camera Raw/Settings Folder
- Just Paste My Top 10 Teal Orange Preset Files into this setting folder.
- Close all & refresh it.
- Restart your Photoshop.
- Go to Camera Raw Filter.
- Open Preset Tab.
- Click on User Preset.
- You will find all the installed preset there.
- Enjoy the preset.
Hence if you still don’t understand how to install this preset then just play our below youtube video tutorial. In this video, you will find exactly how to install this preset step by step. Just follow what i did in the video. If you still haven’t subscribed to our youtube channel then do subscribe and press the bell icon to get the latest notification of my photoshop tutorials for free.
Nowadays on Instagram is kind of moody dark photo is very trendy. The moody tone is widely used by the best and well-known photographs of the world while photo editing.
Moody dark portraits are known as the best portraits which have left on unique impression on all social media platforms, especially on Instagram.
This moody preset would be very much helpful for your photo editing to create a very moody trendy photo and make your photo like a matt look.
Most of the profiles on Instagram every photo have been edited with such a moody tone because this dark moody tone actually creates a dark and horror matt with a vintage effect on the photograph.
Do share this with all your friends and family in wtsapp and all on every social media platform so that they will also be helpful from this post.
Hence by using our moody preset you can also create such moody photos easily and make your Instagram profile way better.
Watch our youtube video to learn how to install preset and use it in your photo editing in photoshop.
These preset is very amazing.
Access this preset file for free in our content.
Get Moody Matt Green Preset .rar File:- DNG
Extract this file using WinRar Software for Windows User.
On Youtube, we have more than 1000+ photoshop and lightroom video tutorials so you can check it out and learn for free photo editing and move your editing skills from normal to advance.
Be Creative, Be Awesome.
bro cant download the presets from this website or video
solve this request …
yes where is the fucking download link ?
Bro please please where is the link??can't find the download button
how can we install that preset,when download link not provided?? are you fool us?
it is already given there. read carefully and search full post.. u will find.
it is already given there. read carefully and search full post.. u will find
please please where is the link??can't find the download button
click here is the download link in the page..search it.
Bro need for mobile to..
wait few days.