It could be time to upgrade to dedicated server hosting if your company expands to the point where you must maintain many websites or if you frequently experience outages. Having your own server means that your website isn’t competing with anybody else’s traffic, making this service a big improvement over shared hosting. For the best site performance, you also obtain faster CPUs, larger storage capacity, and numerous gigabytes or terabytes of RAM. Naturally, this increased service has a cost, and there are a number of things to take into account to get the best deal for your company. For the purpose of compiling this ranking of the top dedicated hosting providers, we looked at important variables including RAM capacity, data transfer rates, and uptimes.
Is Dedicated Web Hosting Required?
For businesses that need a strong website foundation, dedicated web hosting is a desirable alternative. Sure, it costs more than shared web hosting, but in exchange for that extra cost, you receive more freedom and more dependability. We’ve examined a lot of dedicated hosting providers, and this guide includes our top 10. The graphs above and below provide you with a brief description of the features available with each service, along with price, hardware requirements, data limits, and other crucial details to assist you in selecting the ideal dedicated server for your requirements.
Web hosting from HostGator
With the robust cloud, WordPress, VPS, and dedicated server packages available, HostGator is a leading web hosting option. Particularly for those in need of potent web servers, HostGator offers exceptionally dedicated servers with Linux and Windows alternatives. The multiple support choices make this a great hosting option for companies moving into the more developed dedicated server environment. You receive live web chat assistance, 24/7 phone help, and a robust online portal chock with tutorials and reference materials with HostGator.
Hosting by AccuWeb
With dedicated servers, you want both power and flexibility, and AccuWeb offers both through its many hosting levels. The dedicated hosting plans from AccuWeb are quite affordable and provide excellent storage options and substantial monthly data transfers. The cherry on top? freedom for operating systems. If you’re unsure whether you want to use Windows Server or Linux, AccuWeb is a great option because the web host allows you to rent a dedicated server with either OS. AccuWeb is a very distinctive and adaptable hosting choice because that isn’t common in the web hosting industry.
Web hosting A2
A2 is a great option if you’re looking for high-quality servers because it provides a diverse selection of web hosting services. Although it specializes in hosting WordPress sites, its dedicated servers are also nothing to be sniffed at. A2 lacks a Windows Server option but provides both managed and unmanaged dedicated alternatives at comparable prices. All of the web hosting providers we suggest have very high uptime, but A2 is particularly open about its dependability and security. A2 guarantees 99.9% uptime and fulfills this promise with the help of a team available around-the-clock, dependable data centers, current security updates, and a 10GB redundant network to take up the slack in the case of a breakdown. A2 is the host to use if dependability is what you need.