I was wondering how well your site performed for specific search terms. Your Google Analytics keywords may be found in what exactly? Does anyone know of a reliable keyword-tracking app that works with Google Analytics? Google Search Console has the answers to these important questions. It’s the finest method for discovering the specific phrases (keywords) visitors type into Google to locate your website.
Viewing Your Site’s Keyword Data on Google
Because of privacy concerns, Google Analytics does not display information on individual keywords. If you’re looking for the keywords people use to locate your website on Google, rather than utilising Google Analytics, Google Search Console is the way to go. You may use it without spending any money, and it’s also rather simple to operate. To keep tabs on how well your site is doing in Google’s search results, you may use Google Search Console, a free online marketing tool provided by Google. It also reveals the proportion of organic views and clicks.
Crawl errors, slow pages, and other technical difficulties may all be investigated with its aid. Search Console reveals how to rectify these issues, which may negatively impact your site’s search engine results.
With MonsterInsights, you can check out the keywords WordPress is using to rank your site
Your first option for accessing Google keyword statistics is the MonsterInsights Google Analytics plugin. Your website’s traffic and the behaviours of your users may be monitored with the aid of this plugin. In addition, it provides you with clear keyword reports.
Install MonsterInsights on your WordPress site and link it to your Google Analytics account to obtain a Search Console search terms report in your WordPress dashboard.
Next, if you haven’t already, add and validate your site in Google’s Search Console. Your Google Analytics account makes this a breeze to accomplish. Here is our comprehensive tutorial on how to connect Google Search Console and Google Analytics for full details. Once your site has been verified in Search Console, you can see a MonsterInsights report that lists the top 50 search phrases users entered to find your site.
The Search Console report may be found in your WordPress dashboard under Insights » Reports. There you can see a summary report of your site’s metrics. Access the Search Console section of the report by clicking the tab. The 50 most popular search phrases for your website will be shown there. You’ll notice the number of clicks, impressions, click-through rate, and average position for each of the keywords. This report is fantastic since it gives you a snapshot of how Google visitors are discovering your site. With this plugin, you may import Google’s keyword data into WordPress’s user-friendly administration area.
Analyzing Keyword Performance in GA 4
You’ll need to complete a few quick things in your Analytics account before you’ll be able to see keywords. Unlike other reports in Google Analytics, the Search Console report is not automatically added to your account. Log into Google Analytics and navigate to the Library > Search Console > Reports.
Now, select the Search Console card under Collections & click Edit collection. On the following screen, you need to do is click the Save button, then Back. Then, find the 3 dots on the Search Console card & click it to see more alternatives. To make something public, use the Publish button. So long! You will have a new Search Console area in your navigation: Now, go up the Queries report and look at the table to see the keywords users used to visit your site, the number of clicks and impressions those keywords received, the CTR, and the average position they held in search results (rank).
Using the data provided by Google Analytics, you may zero in on the queries that need the most attention. Target keywords with poor click-through rates or absent keywords present an opportunity to enhance content and search engine rankings.
View Your Site’s Keywords in Google Search Console
A visit to Google Search Console, complete with login credentials, is the first order of business. After that, select Search results from the sidebar on your left. You can get a visual breakdown of your clicks, impressions, average CTR, and rank here. Below, you’ll find the Queries table, so make sure you check it out. The most popular search terms that lead users to your site are displayed. To alter how you view your search data, head over to Pages, Countries, Devices, Search Appearance, or Dates.
To get Google Keyword Analytics, where do I look?
Getting to your Google keyword statistics is as simple as following these steps. Integrate Google Analytics and Search Console. You may view the specific queries that were made by users in Google Analytics by going to Acquisition » Search Console » Queries. You may sort your keywords by clicks, impressions, CTR, and average position by clicking on the column headers. If you go to Acquisition >> Search Console >> Landing Pages and then click on one of your URLs, you’ll be able to view the specific queries that brought people to your site.
In addition, you may install the MonsterInsights plugin to view your top 50 search phrases in the WordPress dashboard and then navigate straight to the relevant Google Analytics report by clicking the button at the report’s bottom.